Tuesday, April 5, 2011

birthday present

My birthday is coming up is a few weeks - I'm asking for a dog.

I've wanted a dog all my life but could never have one because of my dads allergies followed by a long series of rental properties with "no animal" clauses.   So we finally have our own place with enough room for a four-legged furry friend and we were planning on getting one as soon as we moved.  But then we thought it might better to have a baby first  . . .so we have been waiting . . . and waiting.

So I am done waiting - I want a dog and I want one for my birthday.  Its not like I have to wait to conceive one and deliver one - there are thousands out there that need a good home - and I could be a good doggie owner.   I've been looking on local rescue websites and I've found some great dogs out there and showing my husband. I don't think he's got the hint yet . . .but I am working on it.

So I am hoping and finger crossing.  Maybe I can be a mom in the near future after all.  I know it sounds rash because this is the first time I have said something but we've actually been planning it out for a while and its time to make it happen.  Yes its a substitution, but its the only one I can think of that will actually act like a substitution.


  1. Our dog Tuffy was the BEST purchase we've ever made. Now, 4 years later, I don't know what we'd do without our Tuffaroo! I hope your dh gets the hint. ;) what kind of dog are you wanting?

  2. Oh a dog is a wonderful idea for a birthday present! I hope your hubby can be convinced!

  3. I hope your DH gets the hint! A dog would be an awesome idea!

  4. It's a GREAT idea. I have two dogs and they get me through the roughest days. I'm so glad you're considering rescuing. There are lots of incredible pups out there who just need love : )

  5. I am a new follower to your blog and just wanted to say that I think it is a great idea! I have a few dogs (the latest being my consolation prize for all the failed treatments) and I do not know how I could have gotten through all the failed treatments without them here. They keep me company, are there for me, always seem to know when I just need one of them to come over and snuggle up with me. Hope your DH gets the hint!

  6. Good for you! Time to take back some control in your life...don't let infertility dictate what you can and can't do. Two years ago I bought an anti-family car...loved driving it. And so what...just traded it in for a different vehicle that is family friendly. But I was so happy to drive my nice fancy car when all my friends were driving mini-vans. And travel...to heck with schedules...IF treatments will revolve around our travel plans. Take care and hope you find just the right dog!

  7. I actually think it's probably easier to get the dog first, then you can have them all trained (ha! well hopefully!) before adding a baby to the mix. (Granted, we've had our dogs for 4+ years and are just now adding a baby to the mix in another few weeks so I could be totally kidding myself.) But seriously, dogs are awesome. I have spent many an afternoon crying into their soft coats while they lick my face. After we lost our daughter, our dogs were my saving grace.
